avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patrol

I decorated it like a grave, the noncon doesn't happen in the fic but it is the entire point of the fic, Skip is barely in the fic and only for like one line and the rest is just talking about him, Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Iron Dad/Spider Son Short stories and One Shots, Im Sorry I Left but It Was for the Best (Though It Never Felt Right), Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Spider-man and The Black Cat arrested in scuffle with avengers at Times Square, the avengers are adults and dont watch disney movies every night, Peter Parker dislikes the Avengers (and they hate him), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Peter Parker & Peter-Two & Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), The meaning of the Lily of The Valley flower is a nod to the plot hehe. Are you okay? The only thing he had left was Spider-Man. The s (Sequel to Compromised) Or a kidnapping? Work Search: Im just gonna.. Close my eyes for a bit Tony picks a sick Peter up from school pt. Peter Parker goes on a field trip to his home avengers tower. A post NWH one-shot I wrote to get over writers block, enjoy :). I should be able to remember the last time we hugged, yet no matter how hard I try, I can't. "Forbidden Romance! I am peter parker and I exist. Sometimes, friendships are formed in the most unlikely circumstances. Dangerous," Peter cried. "Mr. Parker appears to have fractured three ribs to the left of his chest, causing him to stop breathing for more than a minute. No one has his documents, past paper trails, photos, information, or memories of himno one to recall anything about him, not even his name. He couldn't do anything about it before, so he shouldn't do anything about it now, right? What would you like the message to say?. Happy, because he was worried the avengers would hurt either Tony or Peter, though he did try to hide it, he did care for the boy. Peter Parker is no ordinary science geek. I'm so glad you're awake. Or will grief overrule them? "Mr. Parker, should I call for Mr. "), (Part 2 in a series, youll probably be confused if you dont read the first one), Peter? His voice came out groggily. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. What will happen with her and Peter Parker's friendship? When Peter faces a strange new villain, he ends up befriending a certain female archer. Telling his aunt and uncle about what Skip had done to him was a whole lot harder than those two simple sentences made it sound, and not just for Peter. *Will all the senors please go down to the gym* *repeat will all the senors please go down to the gym, thank you*. "Mr. Parker, you appear to have fractured three ribs to the left of your chest, causing you to stop breathing for more than a minute. (Work is also poster on Archive of our own at damn_okay). Peter's going to SI, Flash doesn't believe him, the Avengers want to embarrass him, and my creativity went flying out the window. There's nothing he could do to change that. He could hear the wind in a whisper through the suit and felt the cold night chill spreading across the city. He goes to Midtown high school but has no friends. After the spell, he lost everyone and everything he cared about. He was falling. The moment Peter's teacher told them they would be staying the night over at Stark Towers his life was practically ruined. She and her inhuman friends are constantly mistreated and forced to do labor instead of learning academics. Tom Holland's Peter Parker. It wasnt a happy Christmas if your dominant hand hurt all over. He is Spiderman. He already knows that under his hoodie and jeans its probably the same amount of damage so he just leave his hoodie on and jeans not wanting to look. Star Wars Fanfiction Ahsoka Meets Luke In an . His Aunt and Uncle have taken care of him ever since. 5 parts. Peter says throwing the food in the garbage and putting the plate on the counter, running out the door for his dear life. Peter is no longer a person to the people he considers family instead he is just a distant blur walking down the streets to them. Seeing that it's slightly curved to the right and black and blue. Tony offered me an internship on the basis that I was Spider-Man and had a lot of academic potential, as he said. But has lost many. And he was, prior to his arrival, effectively dead. WARNING: Mild swearing Why the hell does he do this every week? #hurt #angst Will it be enough to satisfy them? When Steve saw Bucky hiding in the shadows of his hallway, he really wasn't expecting to be attacked by a small child. He could hear jazz music from far away, people's laughter and few cars filling up the streets. Or: At four years old, Nathan Stark, Tony's only son, was found dead months after being kidnapped. (Comfort + Bedside Vigil + "You can rest now. As he laid on the concrete, by a street lamp shining in his eyes, he took a small breath in and then let a grunt out. Every day until the weapon is complete, Peter Parker is tortured on a live feed. spring before the end of peters sophomore year of high school was an eventful time. Then his gang starts to join him. Ben told him that with great power becomes great responsibility and he will always remember those words. He first appeared in the Amazing Fantasy #15 in August of 1962. Peter wanted to be lighter, to be faster and better. peter faints Hurt Peter Angst Fluff Fluff and Angst Hurt/Comfort Medical Inaccuracies probably inaccurate because im not smart based on my life lol Peter is an idiot. It hasn't even been that long since I've seen them. After much hesitation, he somehow found the courage to tell them what happened.. Peter says getting up from the corner he was sitting in, in the bathroom. {Completed!} My first published crossover fic, hope you enjoy! He notices a knight in shining red kevlar in the horizon but that could just be an hallucination from losing so much blood. Why oh why couldn't he ha (So this is my second 'Peter's Class goes on field trip to Stark Towers' fanfic but with a little twist.) Six months after Spiderman diesa mute, homeless teenager appears in the woods around the Barton farmstead. Will Tony be able to find him in time with the help of the rogues, or will another, more malicious group, have interest in Peter as well? Peter knows that people in his line of work don't tend to live a long life. His eyes were closed.Tony took his left hand and felt the pulse on Peter neck. Don't talk about him like that!" He's dead!" He goes into the bathroom, takes a shower, brushes his teeth, and puts on a random red hoodie from the ground and some dark blue jeans. Steve and Tony Stark-Rogers were my favorite people. That is until Doctor Strange and Wanda Maximoff come to her. The news was on, an alien was attacking New York (again), and Peter was on the sidelines. Oh god. "Are you okay? Peter says in the empty hallway after touching his most likely broken nose. And with that, Tony finally stopped. I will try to pick it back up in February but I can't make any promises. Peter?" tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Peter drunk dials Tony, who doesn't remember him. I decorated it like a grave, the noncon doesn't happen in the fic but it is the entire point of the fic, Skip is barely in the fic and only for like one line and the rest is just talking about him, Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Iron Dad/Spider Son Short stories and One Shots, Im Sorry I Left but It Was for the Best (Though It Never Felt Right), Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Spider-man and The Black Cat arrested in scuffle with avengers at Times Square, the avengers are adults and dont watch disney movies every night, Peter Parker dislikes the Avengers (and they hate him), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Peter Parker & Peter-Two & Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), The meaning of the Lily of The Valley flower is a nod to the plot hehe. This sucks, yes. ned paused, looking down at the text. Im from the future and I need your help, he said, heart pounding as Stranges eyes widened with realisation. "You what?!" As Tony tries to figure out an impossible solution, Peter and Cassie have to learn to survive in captivity. But on April 7th, 2018, nearly two years after the Avengers broke up, Tony found out just how wrong he was. They shove him on the ground and circle around him, throwing punches and kicks at him from all sides. Peter knew he wasnt their favourite, hell hes not even considered equal and he knows he probably will never be. The tattoo man stopped and turned his head to Peter. Oh, to be carried in the arms of your crush when you're on death's doorstep. Why the hell does he do this every week? Karen's voice interrupted Peter trying to push web out of the small devices on his wrists: +. All Peter wanted to was to cook May a really nice dinner for when she got home from her Christmas Eve shift. They weren't expecting what would happen next. Peter says hurt. He buried himself in superhero work, just to fill the empty space where his heart should be. "Stop! Now Peter has to learn how to navigate this new world while coping with his guilt, while the alternate versions of his family and friends attempt to figure out just what about Peter has changed. So much blood. But Spider-Man knew he had responsibilities. This is just another one of those field trip stories set in an au where everyone survived endgame. Or Please consider turning it on! Peter is caught in an attack by some Yokai, luckily some friendly mutants are around to help out. Shit! Single. :D, Tony discovers that Peter fought in the Civil War practically blind. A chill ran up his spine. #marvel tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. In fact, everything was numb. Flash laughs with the other gang members in the background. Also, Trans Peter Parker because why not? Tony couldve sworn his eyes flashed black each time the alarm blared. After Ben and Mary-Jane's death's he now lives with his Aunt May in a old apartment building in Queens. Peters metabolism makes it excruciatingly difficult to take the edge off. What he should have been worried about was the pair of crooks planning to use him as their own personal antivenom bank. Also, I don't think my Aunt would like to see me in a hospital." Tony Stark is a survivor of horrors. But soon, a deadly new enemy threatens to destroy everything they've worked so hard to rebuild. I- uh I love you, Aunt May. You haven't eaten in about 3 days and 3 days ago you only ate half an apple because I forced you too! MJ is training to be the next Black Widow. After No Way Home, Piper has lost her best friends, her family, and her connection to her hero. 'Let's have a look, then.' Tony said walking out of the suit and over to Peter. Peter says and gets up and out of his warm but uncomfortable bed. Wade and Cable have learned to share Peter's time, to tolerate each other's involvement in Peter's life and so long as Wade doesn't run his mouth too much and Cable doesn't get all Silver Fox Authoritative, everything sort of works in their unorthodox poly situation. "Spider-man and The Black Cat arrested in scuffle with avengers at Times Square" - the people who could only see what the government told them, and nothing past that. His idol. Drops of blood ran down his cheek from his mouth. They saw me falling apart and they gathered up my broken pieces and used their love to glue me back together again. "I'm sorry to announce, you don't have any web left, Mr. Parker." But before he could ask FRIDAY, the Avengerswalked into the Med Bay. "Shit!" Peter Parker and Michelle Jones are grown, married, and expecting their first child, due in the summer. Peter Parker was trans. Work Search: ", "Stop trying to help! . Thank god. Dizziness in increased, confusion, and that pounding pain at the back of your head. He swung and swung through the city. Tony offered me an internship on the basis that I was Spider-Man and had a lot of academic potential, as he said. Peter has one Facebook friend currently attending MIT: Steven Skip Westcott., Another fic where the Avengers take over Twitter- because lets face it those guys need some good publicity rn. Instead, the trauma of losing his aunt and uncle and being moved into the foster system leaves Peter unable to properly grieve or process his family's death, and all he's left with is fear, emptiness, and out-of-control powers that he has no idea how to use safely anymore. Theres no tag for Dex & Peter? Just a warning to anyone sensitive to gory descriptions and things like that. But Peter wasn't aware that he stood so close to the edge. Peter belted from his crouched stance on the window sill. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Nice try. But any way I don't want to spoil to much the rest is a surprise. Chapter 2: Peter and Cassie attempt to escape for the second time, and of courseit doesn't work. #whump Peter falls from an eight story building, 10. Peter called to them. It isn't soon until he wakes up in another world not so different from his (but still different) that he realizes something's wrong. He just had to shoot his web and-. Its my fault Peter got hurt he whispers. I totally forgot Tony Stark is going to have a assembly today!" The boy plummeted toward the ground. - for the people who shyed away from violence, but strayed towards gossip. There were three ways people were seeing the current situation, which could easily be summarised in three headlines. I do not give permission for this work to be copied and/or posted to any other sites. The boy was sporting a snarl as his fists clenched. But then his Uncle Ben died in front of him a day after he was bitten by a radioactive spider at Oscorp. Okay, sweet voice lady who I cant see and who I personally think Spider-Man is unfairly hogging, wheres this Tower?, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, five times peter passed out in front of someone + one time he passed out alone, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker & Avengers Team & Original Character(s), Tony Stark acting as Peter Parkers parental figure, i see wade as that not good but good older bro, Deadpool was excited at idea of another immortality, sweet voice lady who I cant see and who I personally think Spider-Man is unfairly hogging. ", Peter Parker dies after Thanos successfully snaps. She called Ned. Black ooze trailed from Peters eyes. And that scares him beyond belief. Yay. Peter is going through a lot. #rdj He was so worried, why would Peter have fallen from an eight story building on such a calm night like this? Tony's eyes widened at the blood smeared all over the kitchen. Please, Mr Stark im ok. "Hey, hey!! That excuse didnt make any sense to him, and hed said as much, because when he thought about what being a boy meant to him, it definitely didnt mean touching someone when they said no. Tony asked quickly as you could hear him putting on his iron suit in the background. Peter calls Tony Dad in front of the Avengers. After much hesitation, he somehow found the courage to tell them what happened.. But everything else on this earth points to the fact he no longer exists. He never thought it would get too serious, he never thought it would be an issue, he never thought he would be caught. The Soldier had a new mission and the Spider wasn't allowed, even though the Spider was Ready Status: Optimal. Sent off on his own for good, Peter finds himself in a world surprisingly similar to where he had just come from, with one key difference: this other Peter Parker was a hero. avengers. In Hydra's basement. The two find solace and a renewed love for life in each other. Even with Norman Osborn running free, hellbent on taking him back. Tony heard something drop and shatter while he was still finishing up his work on Rhodeys suit, Kid? It wasnt like Peter to drop things. He couldn't be dead. Pietro didn't die. So he takes to the streets instead, where he can't hurt anyone anymore. He just tried to focus on his breathing, knowing that Karen would start rambling anyway. Im used to it. Sure it's a great opportunity for everyone, but he goes there a lot since his Stark Internship became real. They seemed to have been drinking and things had gotten violent. The only thing he had left was Spider-Man. She put a hand on her forehead, breathing out shakily and calling Peter with her other hand. The panic shivered up his spine. Looking down the barrel of a gun, Peter wished to be reunited with his Aunt May. What he should have been worried about was the pair of crooks planning to use him as their own personal antivenom bank. Why do they keep pursuing him and how far are they willing to go till they catch him? "You're going." Stark?" Umm, I don't really know how fast I'll be updating, but with school and stuff I'll try to make it once a week or something like that. I'm taking you to stark tower to have Bruce look at you face" Tony says pulling the kid to the door. " For once in his life, Tony Stark had no fucking clue what was going on, and it was killing him. But there was a sub-category of all these people. I bet you know a few people who could answer that" Flash says in a harsh tone. The man made his way to Peter and pushed him. All Rights Reserved avengers avengersfanfiction buckybarnes forgotten peterparker spiderman Tony picks a sick Peter up from school, 4. "Oh my god, Peter! He had sticky super powers after all. So when his class gets a field trip to Stark Tower it doesn't really surprise him. Work Search: -flash being stupid First published May 05, 2019 A new boy comes along as Mr. Stark's personal intern and Peter is soon forgotten by the Avengers except for Bucky and Steve, Peter quits and only keeps in contact with Bucky and Steve. Days later, his aunt and uncle noticed that he was no longer spending any time with Skip, and they questioned him about it. You'd never hurt--". As he had landed directly on his back, the underarms hurt the most. Peter is well taken care of, well spoiled and well loved by both the disastrous mercenary and the over protective mutant, and when a night on patrol goes terribly wrong, both Wade and Cable put their differences aside and step up to prove Peter's safety is more important than whether or not they'd gladly push the other in front of a bus. Get out of my head!". Peter contemplated his life as he swung through Queens - not really on patrol. #tomholland He carefully put his hands on his face to scratch his eyes in attempt to get a better sight. What happens when they want Peter back? Chapter 2: Peter and Cassie attempt to escape for the second time, and of courseit doesn't work. Thank you for reading this and I will update soon. Stay back! Now, this in itself is pretty crappy, but after watching your Dad get ripped fr All Tony wanted to do was get a Happy Meal for his son, eat some chicken nuggets and go home. He says looking at his nose. Trouble. -Oneshot, A botched mission, a laced knife, and blood. "Maybe I shouldn't go." Chaos ensues, I sometimes write them. So why are the Avengers on his case? Complete. Peter than sits in the bathroom waiting for all the students to be called down to the gym. He then spun a web to their building and landed perfectly on his feet besides them. This is the story of how they resurrect each other. Are you alright?, Yeah Im alright I just- Ive kinda been lightly stabbed, Im sorry did you just say lightly stabbed?. A field trip, perhaps? Karen's voice interrupted Peter trying to push web out of the small devices on his wrists: "I'm sorry to announce, you don't have any web left, Mr. While sick on patrol, Peter meets some new guy. He yelled as he hit the guy in the face. Ongoing. -Man goes all the way back to The Amazing -Man #1, where he first ran across the wall-crawler following the malfunction of the experimental rocket carrying his son, astronaut John Jameson. Peter was suddenly startled, looking around the room like he heard something no one else did. The breakdown of his relationship with the young omega is one of his biggest regrets, now he has more than one reason the reconcile. What was going on? Peter Parker and his Decathlon team go on a three day field trip to Stark Tower. When the Avengers, Guardians, and Wakandans come to visit for the Hero convention, what could go wrong? But on April 7th, 2018, nearly two years after the Avengers broke up, Tony found out just how wrong he was. After a while he could hear the suit coming. Oh, to be carried in the arms of your crush when you're on death's doorstep. I don't own anything. Th-thank you for everything, Peter cried breathlessly behind the mask, preparing for one last waltz with Thanos. "Okay." Tony was taken aback from Peter's willingness to give back the suit. I can't" Peter gripped clumps of his hair. "Get out! Tony latches onto a voicemail from a drunk kid he doesn't know like a dog with a bone. His hands, his face, his legsEverything. A year before it passed Peter Parker took on the mantel of Spiderman. When Uncle Ben's gambling problem threatens to ruin his family, Peter turns to a dangerous man for help, a man who has made it very clear just how much he wants Peter. Will it be enough to satisfy them? His head hit the ground hard and he have of the highest probability, a strong concussion.". Please consider turning it on! There is nothing left for her except being Spider Man. *Will all the sophomores please report to the gym* *Repeat. -hydra Peter thought his depression and self-destruction behavior was behind him. How will Wade and Matt deal with the aftermath of their teammate getting stabbed? Besides, what does a shove into a locker and a leg stuck out to trip him really matter anyway? Peter stumbled back and felt the wind on his back. !, I've been reading some peter parker field trip one-shots, and I felt like I had to make one too! Just another day for our friendly neighbourhood Spiderman? a man by the name steven "skip" westcott, peter's AP chem teacher. On Peter's sixteenth birthday, the only thing he was worried about was being on time for his own party at the Compound. Hed been on the receiving end of that before, after all. #peterparker What if he's dead? Wanda and Peter are the youngest Avengers and the ones everyone tries to protect, so what happens when Wanda, Peter, Tony, and Steve are kidnapped by HYDRA? DISCLAIMER: I OWN NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS RIGHTS GO TO MARVEL. It will include all of the avengers and of course Spiderman! But has lost many. And will his loved ones deaths #brucebanner Stop acting like youre so much better than us! I should be able to remember the last time I hugged Steve and Tony. Peter was walking down the street when he heard someone call out, "Hey! Alternatively: How would Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse be different if MCU Peter was pulled in? uh. Two deaths, a decade apart, and a war on the horizon - there lies only one truth. Your head hit the ground hard and you have of the highest probability, a strong concussion.". Everything was still feeling like underwater. Tony and Steve pick him back up. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (132), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (36), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) (12), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (52), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (167), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), our life as we knew it now belongs to yesterday, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Karen an amazing AI and no one can tell me otherwise, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), this wouldn't be one of my fics without Tony calling peter roo, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, Suspend Your Disbelief-This is Supposed to be Fun, Bruce Banner & Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Wanda will fight anyone who looks at her new Brother wrong, Peter Parker is Natasha Romanov's Biological Child, Ask your pharmacist or your local turtles, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Donatello & Leonardo & Michelangelo & Raphael (TMNT), Post-Episode: s01e06 So This Is Christmas? 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