He also wears a lot of flannels. Later that night, Zach tells Jessica, Justin and Charlie about Alex and Winston. Alex is in the playground visibly frustrated and Clay sits down to talk about his tape. Clay notices a member of staff on the field using a machine that seems familiar, he asks Alex what the staff member is doing and what he is using and Alex tells him that they are chalking the field using a chalk machine. Hannah realizes that they are on a date. me: -Zach and Alex in the pool. Alex asked him if he doesnt want to hang out with his jock friends, but Zach says hed rather hang out with him. In "The Little Girl", Justin says he used to defend him when the Liberty kids called Alex homophobic slurs because of his 'gay' hair. Clay asks why he asked him and Alex said that he had a sprained hamstring from lifting, Bryce said it was too addictive to get hooked on for just numbing the pain. Alex reminded Zach of the night the kissed (which he called a disaster) when he nearly fell from the roof, but Zach pulled him back. Alex is a student at Liberty High School. Screen Caps and Movie Stills. After it is announced that Bryce's dead body has been found, Alex reaches out to Jessica, asking how she's doing. Later, they both are seen when Clay makes plans to watch Tyler and they agree to carry out his plans. Alex and Zach had another PT session in the swimming pool. However, she cheats on Alex with Justin afterwards. Throughout the season, he tries to piece together fragments of his past as it will help him uncover his role in Hannah's story. On the tapes, Hannah says that they all went their separate ways, but, in a flashback, during lunch in school one day she sees Alex and Jess laughing and holding hands realizing that they are spending time together without her. In the meantime, Justin tells Jessica that Alex is using steroids. He has lost an entire month of memories. Clay and Ani find out from Justin that Alex was using drugs. Tyler and Alex interacted significantly less this season. Zach invited Alex to go do something, so they walked on the ledge of a rooftop together. At Homecoming, Alex jumps in to fight after Dean grabs Jessica. There, they find Jess playing poker with Zach, Bryce, Monty and some other guys. They shortly interacted at the Winter Formal. After Clay comes home, he and Justin criticize him for hurting her. Shortly after becoming friends with Hannah and Jessica, Alex eventually drifted away and made a new group of friends, though he still remained friendly with Hannah. Also just the way he acts seems unnatural and if u watch interviews the actor's voice is pretty different and it sounds like he's putting it on in the show. Justin told him that hes part of it and called him a pussy. He yells at her in front of the whole class, exposing her and Justin's relationship. They visit her and she tells them what happened between them. and The Group. Alex firmly told him to drop it, but Tyler continued by saying that theyre both really good guys. Peter Standall The Priest Judge Franklin Purdy Erica Charles Tommy Shuster Chad Moore Seth Massey Tracy Porter Tamika Luke Holliday, Clay Jensen Ani Achola Tony Padilla Zach Dempsey Jessica Davis Justin Foley Olivia Baker Bryce Walker Alex Standall Tyler Down Lainie Jensen Kevin Porter Montgomery de la Cruz Nora Walker Matt Jensen Courtney Crimsen Amara Josephine Achola Greg Davis Casey Ford Charlie St. George Dennis Vasquez Chle Rice Gary Bolan Cyrus Sheriff Diaz Bill Standall Caleb Karen Dempsey Mackenzie Mr. Down Coach Kerba Mrs. Down Barry Walker Seth Massey Winston Williams Dr. Priya Singh Mr. de la Cruz Alex comes to the room with Clay but doesn't enter. Zach lied to her about his whereabouts, which upset Alex. I mean, maybe not about the hard-ons and the masturbation so much, butAlex, I'm confident you are, because I know I'm in love with you.Charlie, "The Good Person is Indistinguishable from the Bad", "You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves", "There Are a Number of Problems with Clay Jensen", "In High School, Even on a Good Day, It's Hard to Tell Who's on Your Side", "There Are a Few Things I Haven't Told You",
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